Tatiana Takáčová – The Guardians

opening : 7.11.2018 o 18:00
duration: 8.11.2018 - 3.2.2019
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The visual artist Tatiana Takáčová presented a collection of photographs from museums and galleries at the exhibition, where the focus was always on the guards of exhibitions - living beings, in sterile and impersonal architectures. This specific social group is often overlooked, but it represents its own world, invisible work and is an important part of the museum space - their mission is to guard works of art, inform, but also admonish. They are at the same time observers, exploring, looking, thinking, experiencing, spending time, and constantly waiting.

Photographs are not a social probe into their lives, nor a primary institutional critique. Takáčová observes guards equally as works of art, figures in space, compositional elements in architecture, or living still lifes, and reveals their intimacy with a sensitivity of her own.

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