Archive of Exhibitions

Katarína Poliačiková – The Fire of Things

opening: December 6, 2018 / 6 p.m.
duration: 7.12.2018 – 31.3.2019
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

The exhibition “The Fire of Things” speaks about the changing relationship between human and geological (or astronomical) scale, about merging of subjective stories with large narratives of the Earth and time. It also speaks about photography and language as media that capture reality, their... » more

Jozef Haščák – Double Transposition

opening: 26. 6. 2018 , 18.00
duration: 27. 6. – 21. 10. 2018
curator: Gabriela Haščáková
Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 27

This exhibition in the East Slovak Gallery introduces a selection from the extensive work of a greatly productive artist, whose artistic career was typical of the exploration of several genres: graphics, illustrations, painting and scenography. In his work he employed the combinations and... » more

František Veselý – Landscape of a New Kind

opening: 26. 6. 2018 , 18.00
duration: 27. 6. – 21. 10. 2018
curator: Miroslav Kleban
Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 27

František Veselý's artistic journey (1938 - 2001) begins in the mid-1950s, when he intensively captures the nooks and crannies of the changing hometown of Stropkov. The documentation of the city and its surroundings is also his hobby and preparation for university studies (Higher... » more

Ján Vasilko Abstract paintings vol. 1

opening: 11. 9. 2018 / 18:00
duration: 11. 9. – 14. 10. 2018
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Pop up exhibition Ján Vasilek Abstract paintings vol. 1 follows the selection of Vasilko latest works. The format of short-term exhibitions and presentations at VSG provides a platform for artists who have received a scholarship from the Slovak Arts Council.

Ján Vasilko completed his art... » more

Argišt Alaverdyan, Jozef Mrva ml. – Opaque Dimension

opening: June 14, 2018 / 6 p.m.
duration: June 15, 2018 — October 4, 2018
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27
curator: Jiří Ptáček

The exhibition Opaque Dimension represents one of the first attempts of confronting the works of two young Czech visual artists, the painter Argišt Alaverdyan and the intermedia artist Jozef Mrva Jr. Both artists introduce their most current works, which... » more

XIX. – 19th Century Art in Eastern Slovakia

opening: 22. 2. 2018 o 18:00
duration: 23. 2. 2018 – 19. 8. 2018
curators: Miroslav Kleban, Ján Kovačič
Východoslovenská galéria, Alžbetina 22

The East Slovakian Gallery was founded in 1952 and is the oldest regional gallery. The first exhibited project was an inventive exhibition named East Slovakian Painters of the 19th century. This event was held in the building of the East Slovakian Museum,... » more

Lucia Sceranková – Table Museum

opening: 1. 8. 2018 / 18:00
duration: 1. 8. 2018 – 12. 8. 2018
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Lucie Sceranková's pop-up exhibition entitled Table museum follows up on a selection of her latest works on the topic of triumphalism and heroism. The format of short-term exhibitions and presentations at VSG supports artists who have received a scholarship from Slovak Arts Council..... » more

Sculpture, Spirit, Picture, Light – The Story of the Collection of Old Art in the East Slovak Gallery

accessing: July 17, 2018 / 10:00 a.m.
duration: July 17, 2018 – October 14, 2018
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27
curators: Miroslav Kleban, Katarína Nádaská

The exhibition Sculpture, Spirit, Picture, Light introduces the art of the Gothic and Baroque period from the collection of the East Slovak Gallery. The gallery was established at the turn of 1951/52 as the oldest regional gallery in Slovakia and... » more

Peter Demek – Status II

opening: 5. 4. 2018 o 18.00 hod.
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27
duration: 6. 4. 2018 - 3. 6. 2018

The word status refers to the state of things or events at a certain moment. Based on our vision, knowledge or needs, the situation can be definitive at a given moment. However, over time, it immediately becomes the basis, the precondition... » more

Jaro Varga – Situation after the arrival of the alarm patrol

otvorenie výstavy: 6. 12. 2017 , 6 p.m.
trvanie výstavy: 7. 12. 2017 - 4. 3. 2018
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The enemy is someone whose story we haven't heard. ”(Wendy Brown)

The situation after the arrival of the alarm patrol is a visual essay, an artistic creation of the topography of violence on the Czechoslovak border, its actors and especially... » more

The Theme of Gypsies in the 19 th and 20 th Century Slovak Fine Art

opening: 12. 10.2017 o 18:00
duration: 13. 10. 2017 – 28. 1. 2018
curators: Ján Kovačič, Miroslav Kleban
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

Through the work of visual artists, another thematic exhibition of the East Slovak Gallery will try to introduce the public to the way of life of Gypsies in the observed period context of the 19th and 20th centuries. The... » more

Thaw – 60s from the collections of the Klatovy / Klenová Gallery

opening: 14. 9. 2017, 6 p.m.
duration: 15. 9. – 26. 11. 2017
curators: Lucie Šiklová, Michal Lazorčík
Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 27

Today, the 1960s are often referred to as "golden", but the release of these years, however appealing it may be, is not seen as taken out of historical context. They are framed by two important milestones at the end of the... » more

Anna Hulačová – Genesis and other germplasms

opening: 7. 9. 2017 o 6 p.m.
duration: 8. 9. 2017. - 26. 11. 2017
curator: Michal Novotný
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The natural world as an artistic problem. Thus, perhaps it would be possible, in a paraphrase of the famous book by Jan Patočka, to simply summarize the work of Anna Hulačová. It was, together with others, Patočka who convincingly showed... » more

Alexander Eckerdt – Game with the Moon (painting / drawing / graphics)

opening: 14. 9. 2017, 18.00
duration: 15. 9. – 19. 11. 2017
curator: Peter Markovič
Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 27

Painter, graphic artist and draftsman Alexander Eckerdt is an important figure in Slovak fine art of the second half of the 20th century. In the years 1952-1958 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava at the Department of Book Graphics and... » more

Shine and Glory – Dutch painting of the 16th – 18th centuries from the collection of the Aleš South Bohemian Gallery

opening: June 16, 2016, 5:00 p.m.
duration: June 17, 2016 –30. October 2016
curator: Adam Hnojil
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The exhibited paintings fully represent the individual genres of Dutch painting. Portraits, religious and mythological paintings, landscape paintings, still lifes, genre scenes from the countryside, war scenes and port paintings are exhibited in interesting demonstrations, which reflect the period possibilities of... » more

Rastislav Podoba – Cycle

opening: 4. 5. 2016, 6 p.m.
duration: 5 May 2016 - 3 June 2016
curator: Beata Jablonská
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Rastislav Podoba's paintings (1975) have been an important chapter in contemporary Slovak painting for more than a decade. She is one of the few who do not see its relevance by adapting to the language of digital media, but rather... » more

Adam Šakový – Behind

opening: 28. 4. 2016, 6 p.m.
duration: April 29, 2016 - May 29, 2016
curator: Pavel Urban
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The exhibition with the economical title Behind presents the current work of the young artist Adam Šakový (1987), who, despite his age, has already become one of the prominent representatives of contemporary Slovak painting and its expansive possibilities. In his... » more

Štefan Balázs / Finding the Circle

opening: 23. 3. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 24. 3. 2016 – 24. 5. 2016
curator: Gabriela Garlatyová
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Štefan Balázs is one of the representatives of geometric abstract painting, more precisely painting, which is structured as a conceptually modeled process.

The exhibition is the first author's exhibition by Štefan Balázs in Košice, who works in Rimavská Sobota... » more

Female Sculptors – Selection of Personalities of Czechoslovak Sculpture

opening: 28. 1. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 29. 1. – 21. 5. 2016
curator: Vladimíra Büngerová
exhibition architecture : Patrik Kovačovský
graphic : Boris Meluš
dramaturgy of sound recordings : Barbora Jurinová a Magdaléna Kuchtová
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The exhibition and publication project presents a selection of female personalities of Czechoslovak sculpture, their contribution and specifics for the history of fine... » more

Svetlana Fialová – Someone knows everything about me

opening: 17. 3. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration : 18. 3. 2016 – 21. 5. 2016
curator: Michal Štofa
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Exhibition project by Košice artist Svetlana Fialová Someone knows everything about me is a series of drawings realized in the period that began with the planning of a return from London back to Košice and continues... » more

Vladimír Žilinský -Photography from 2007-2015

opening: 6. 4. 2016 o 17:00
duration : 7. 4. 2016 – 1. 5. 2016
curator: Josef Moucha
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Native of Hodonín, Vladimír Židlický (1945), a graduate of the Department of Photography at FAMU (1975) and a long-term teacher at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Brno (1977 - 1990), is a prominent representative... » more

Zuzana Maníková and Mikuláš Maník – 40 years of architecture

opening: 18. 2. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 19. 2. – 20. 3. 2016
curator: Martin Drahovský
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

Architects and Spouses - Spouses and Architects. Zuzana - rod. Šalingová, (Zuzka - 1950; Bratislava) and Mikuláš (Miki - 1949; Závadka near Prešov) graduated in Architecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak Technical University... » more

Gyula Kosice – Hydrokinetics

opening: 3. 2. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 4. 2. – 6. 3. 2016
curator: Vladimír Beskid
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Fernando Fallik was born in Košice in 1924. At the age of 4, he emigrated with his parents to Argentina. He lives and works in Buenos Aires, where he has his own museum. There, at the beginning of... » more

Exhibition of the Decade / winning works from the Painting 2006 – 2015 competition

opening : 20. 1. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 21. 1. – 28. 2. 2016
curator: Michal Štofa
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

10 years of Painting is a retrospective show of winning works and at the same time a representative exhibition on the round anniversary of the Painting - VUB Foundation Award for Young Artists competition. It presents paintings of... » more