Archive of Exhibitions

Gyula Kosice – Hydrokinetics

opening: 3. 2. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 4. 2. – 6. 3. 2016
curator: Vladimír Beskid
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Fernando Fallik was born in Košice in 1924. At the age of 4, he emigrated with his parents to Argentina. He lives and works in Buenos Aires, where he has his own museum. There, at the beginning of... » more

Exhibition of the Decade / winning works from the Painting 2006 – 2015 competition

opening : 20. 1. 2016, 5 p.m.
duration: 21. 1. – 28. 2. 2016
curator: Michal Štofa
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

10 years of Painting is a retrospective show of winning works and at the same time a representative exhibition on the round anniversary of the Painting - VUB Foundation Award for Young Artists competition. It presents paintings of... » more