Archive of Exhibitions

Graphic Art – Single Medium

Opening: 19. 10. 2021 at 18:00
Exhibition duration: 14. 10. 2021 - 1. 5. 2022 (extended)
Curator: Michal Štofa
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22, Košice

Exhibiting artists:
Rudolf Altrichter, Emanuel Andrássy, Ákos Aranyossy, Margita Balšianková-Lacková, Blažej Baláž, Andrej Barčík, Štefan Belohradský, František Blažo, Marko Blažo, Viera Bombová, Albín Brunovský, Stano Bubán, Alexander Bortnyik, Alexander Bugan, Július Bukovinský, Milan Dobeš, Andrej Doboš, Lucia Dovičáková,... » more

Imrich Vanek – Private and public

Exhibition opening with an introduction by the curator: 29 June 2021 at 18:00
Exhibition duration: 30 June 2021 – 12 September 2021
Curators: Zuzana Bodnárová and Svätopluk Mikyta
Exhibition Space C, 27 Hlavná Street, Košice

The exhibition Imrich Vanek: Private and Public presents possible reflections and interpretations of a rich artistic life and its work, anchored in private as well as public space... » more

Quantum Fields / The Intermedia Studio FAMU

Opening: 21. 9. 2021 o 18:00
Duration: 22. 9. 2021 - 3. 10. 2021
Experimentál pop-up space, Alžbetina 22, Košice

Exhibiting artists: Veronika Čechmánková, Alexander Rossa, Eugene Martikainen, Adam Mička

A selection of student works from the Master’s programme of the Department of Photography at FAMU in Prague is based on a joint examination of the issues of the Anthropocene. The installation freely... » more

Quantum fields

Vernisáž: 21. 9. 2021 o 18:00
Trvanie výstavy: 22. 9. 2021 - 28. 11. 2021
Kurátorky: Tereza Záchová, Mariana Serranová
Výstavný priestor Q, Hlavná 27, Košice

Exhibiting artists: Jakub Choma, Radovan Čerevka, Hikaru Fujii, Nicolas Grum, Petra Herotová, Juliana Höschlová, Karen Kramer, Veronika Lukášová, Agáta Marzecová and Hanna Husberg, Mykola Ridnyi, Susan Schuppli, Adéla Součková

This exhibition project responds to the issue of nuclear physics in connection... » more

Poetry about cells and seeds

Opening: 21. 9. 2021 at 18:00  
Duration: 22. 9. – 13. 2. 2022 (extended)
Curator: Alexandra Tamásová 
Exhibition space C, Hlavná 27, Košice

The joint exhibition project of Monika Pascoe Mikyšková and Janja Prokić introduces the latest work of the two artists, who have come together specifically for this occasion. The exhibited works are loosely linked by the motif of plants or, more specifically, growth.

Monika’s small-format... » more

Dávid Demjanovič – Concrete and incense

opening: 31. 8. 2021 o18: 00
duration: 1. 9. - 11. 9. 2021
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

The exhibition Concrete and Incense is an attempt at a materialised "mood board" of the author. Concrete in his works metaphorically symbolises something solid and physical, incense spirituality and transience. During the exhibition, the gallery is transformed into a workshop, studio or model of... » more

The Klimkovics – Stories Across Three Generations

exhibition opening: 24. 6. 2021  6pm  
duration: 25. 6. – 30. 1. 2022 
curators: Štefánia Ďuricová, Miroslav Kleban 
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The exhibition The Klimkovics - Stories Across Three Generations is dedicated to the artistic legacy of the Klimkovics family. The activities of this family date back to the 18th century. The founders of the family tradition were Florián Klimkovics Sr., who was based in Smolník, and his son Ignác,... » more

Flowers and Monsters

exhibition opening: 8. 6. 2021
duration: 9. 6. 2021 - 1. 7. 2021
curator: Nikolas Bernath
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

Exhibiting artists: Nikolett Balázs (HU), Tomáš Bryscejn (CZ), Kanrec Sakul (SK), Tamara Spalajković (RS)

Hold onto your inner child. They used to say.
From my point of view, it could mean perceiving everything - the visually unknown or abstract as some kind of... » more

Boris Sirka – The Cast of Idea

duration: 15. 5. 2021 – 4. 6. 2021
Východoslovenská galéria, Alžbetina 22

Boris Sirka's pop-up exhibition: The Cast of Idea presents objects that follow his current sculptural program. For the last two years, the author has been working on it and thus explores his possibilities and experience as a "painter" in a spatial medium. In the previous project, Petrified Gesture, he... » more

Zdeněk Smieško and Gabriel Bodnár: Artists and Their Studios (1972-2018)

opening of the exhibition: 13. 5. 2021 at 10:00
exhibition duration: 13 May 2021 - 17 June 2021
curator: Vladimir Beskid

The exhibition called Artists and Their Studios (1972-2018) brings, for the first time, a more comprehensive view of the natural environment of visual artists of the local scene. As part of a critical gallery survey, the main heroes of the exhibition... » more

Two Shapes of Leaf on Tree

online presentation of the exhibition: 24. 3. 2021, 6 p.m.
curator: Erik Vilím
architect of exhibition: Matej Gavula
production: KAIR
Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 27 Košice

The starting point of the exhibition project Two Shapes of Leaf on Tree is a long-term and systematic initiative of the KAIR organization (Košice Artist in Residence; Petra Housková, Tatiana Takáčová, Anna Mária Trávničková, Zuzana Kotiková) to connect... » more

Saved – Restored works of the East Slovak Gallery damaged by fire

opening: July 3, 2020 at 10:30
duration: 4 July 2020 - 8 November 2020
curators: Katarína Nádaská, Miroslav Kleban
restorer: Ludmila Zozuľáková
Central Slovak Gallery, Dolná 8, Banská Bystrica

With the exhibition "Saved", we present to the Banská Bystrica audience the project of restoring the works of the East Slovak Gallery from 2017-2019. The set of exhibited works belongs to the main collections... » more

Through Art and Word, the Cultural Heritage of the Premonstratensian Order in Jasov

duration: 17. 12. 2020 – 25. 8. 2021
curator: Katarína Nádaská
Východoslovenská galéria, Hlavná 27

The exhibition Through Art and Word was created in close co-operation with the East Slovak Gallery and the Premonstratensian Abbey in Jasov. The 900th anniversary of the founding of the order of the Premonstratensians provided an appropriate opportunity to organise an exhibition showing the cultural and historical... » more

Dark Lightening

exhibition opening: 8. 10. 2020 at 18:00
exhibition duration: 9 October 2020 - 15 November 2020
exhibiting authors: Viktor Frešo, Marek Kvetan, Martin Lukáč
curator: Zuzana Pacáková
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The exhibition Dark Lightening showcases the latest works of visual artists Viktor Frešo, Marek Kvetan and Martin Lukáč. Light becomes the essential means of expression, matter forming individual objects in space, which... » more

The Enchantment of Appearances

exhibition opening: 1. 10. 2020 at 18:00
exhibition duration: 2. 10. 2020 - 29. 8. 2021
curator: Štefánia Ďuricová
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

The Exhibition The Enchantment of Appearances documents the presence of fashion in selected works of artists working within the area of today’s Slovakia in the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, mainly in the urban environment. The title of the exhibition is... » more

They are given: park, fountain …

opening: 17. 9. 2020, 6 p.m.
duration: 18. 9. 2020 - 2. 5. 2021 (extended)
authors: Matej Gavula, Maroš Juhás, Martin Piaček, Erik Sikora, Samuel Velebný
curator: Peter Tajkov
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27, Košice

The exhibition project entitled They are given: a park, a fountain, has a specific goal, to bring a new interpretive view of the past of art in the... » more

7140+ New Acquisitions in the ESG Collection

exhibition opening: 20. 2. 2020
duration: 21. 2 . 2020 – 2. 8. 2020
curators: Miroslav Kleban, Katarína Nádaská
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The purchase of new acquisitions was supported by the Košice Self-Governing Region and the Slovak Arts Council.

The exhibition project 7140+ presents new artworks added to the collection of the East Slovak Gallery... » more

Kővári-Kacsmarik Szilárd / Konštantín Kővári-Kačmarik (1882 – 1916) – Monumentalitás a miniatúrában

a kiállítás időtartama: 15. 4. - 18. 5. 2021
a kiállítás online megnyitója: 15. apríl 2021
kurátor: Miroslav Kleban
Szlovák Intézet, Budapest, Rákóczi út 15, H - 1088, Budapešť VIII

Ez a közös történelmi emlékezetre és a regionális összefüggésekre reflektáló, kulturális párbeszédként megvalósuló kiállítási projekt a kassai (Košice) képzőművészeti élet egyik személyiségét mutatja be a nyilvánosságnak: azt a magyar festőt, akit a szakirodalom gyakran a mai Szlovákia területén tevékenykedő első... » more

Machciník, Sikora, Sirka / Doctors

opening: 17. 6. 2020, 6 p.m.
duration: 18. 6. – 30. 8. 2020
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22

The exhibition of a trio of independent, established artists of the younger generation, Michal Machciník, Erik Sikora and Boris Sirka, captures the current form of their authorial work. At the same time, it is a review of dissertations, completing doctoral studies of the... » more

Body, Form and Gesture – Sculpture in the East Slovak Gallery Collection

opening: 25. 6. 2020, 6 p.m.
duration: 26. 6. 2020 - 31. 1. 2021
curator: Miroslav Kleban
exhibition architect: Matej Gavula, GUTENART.
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The exhibition Body, Form and Gesture – Sculpture in the East Slovak Gallery Collection is another thematic exhibition project from the East Slovak Gallery's own production. The exhibition will be a focal project for 2020. The sculptural... » more

Ivan Šafranko – Krištof Kintera. All the Ways

Ivan Šafranko – Krištof Kintera. All the Ways
duration: 20. 5. - 16. 8. 2020
curator: Séverine Fromaigeat
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

The rerun of the Cermak Eisenkraft Gallery exhibition, curated by Séverine Fromaigeat of the Tinguely Museum, offers a confrontation between two generations of artists, the prominent Slovak painter and sculptor Professor Ivan Šafranek and the leading Czech visual artist... » more

Art and friendship know no boundaries – an exhibition of competitive works

exhibition duration: 6. 3. - 15. 3. 2020
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

After evaluating the creative competition for the exhibition Art of Carpathian Ruthenia, we decided to exhibit in our gallery submitted works. Pupils / students in their creativity were not limited by format or technique, the main theme was based directly on the name of the... » more

Ján Vasilko – Hold The Line (Horizontal and Vertical)

exhibition opening: 28. 2. 2020 o 17:00 / H 27
duration: 29. 2. 2020 - 3. 3. 2020
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Abstract paintings of Vasilko are not based on abstracting nature, countries or people. Its compositions are not a coded record, reference or concept either. They are in a way subconscious improvisation and work with chance, close to psychic... » more

Alex Selmeci and Tomáš Kocka Jusko – Idle Cruising

opening: 30.1.2020
duration: 31.1.2020 – 22.3.2020
curator: Erik Vilím
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Coach * indicates a four-wheeled vehicle with opposite-facing seats drawn by horses • from the German word kotsche, from the Hungarian word kocsi: ‘coming from the village of Kocs, south of Komárno’

When, in the 16th century, coaches began to travel between Vienna... » more

Exhibition of finalists of the Oskár Čepan Award

opening: 8. 11. 2019 o 18:00
duration: 9. 11. 2019 - 1. 3. 2020
finalists : Jan Durina, Dávid Koronczi, Milan Mazúr, Erik Sikora, Gabriela Zigová
curator: Václav Janoščík
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

In the Oskár Čepan Award 2019’s final, five outstanding creative individualities with diverse approaches to the reflection on life and being meet. Some of... » more

Milota Havránková – TORSO / Laboratory of Eternal Returns

Milota Havránková – TORZO/ Laboratory of Eternal Returns
opening: 31. 10. 2019 at 18:00
duration: 1. 11. 2019 – 2. 2. 2020
curator: Anna Vartecká
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27

Milota Havránková (1945) belongs to the first Czechoslovak generation of professional photographers with an academic degree, who at the end of the 1960s graduated in the field of art photography at FAMU in... » more

The Art of Subcarpathian Rus 1919 – 1938

opening: 2 October, 2019 o 18:00
duration: 3 October, 2019 – 23 February, 2020
East Slovak Gallery, Alžbetina 22
curator: Miroslav Kleban

This exhibition project features paintings and sculptures from the region of Ruthenia in the period from 1919 to 1938, focusing on this short period of 20 years when the region was a part of the newly established Czechoslovakia. The exhibition is preceded by scientific... » more

František Foltýn (1891–1976) – From Košice Modernism to Paris Abstraction

opening: 26 June 2019 at 6 p.m.
duration:27 June – 20 October 2019
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27
curators: Petr Ingerle, Ondřej Chrobák

František Foltýn was among the small number of Czech artists whose artwork was created and praised in the context of the international artistic scene. In 1924, at the age of 33, he left for Paris for 10 years and settled in the... » more

Košice Modernism – Man and the City / socio-critical wave

opening: 26 June 2019 at 6 p.m.
duration: 27 June – 20 October 2019
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27
curator: Miroslav Kleban

“A typical feature of the inhabitants of the city of Košice is their sense of urban belonging which has always been a part of their lifestyles, even if not explicitly demonstrated. This feature can also be linked to the intimacy... » more

Laco Teren – Wandering Souls

opening: June 15, 2019, 6 p.m.
duration: June 16, 2019 – September 22, 2019
East Slovak Gallery, Hlavná 27
curator: Dorota Kenderová

Laco Teren (1960) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. He is one of the most significant personalities of the 1980s generation and belongs to the group of artists who linked their work to the postmodern movement of neo-expressionist painting.... » more